Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

7’s Spotlight: KSI VENUM 7

KSI Eyonia 7 interviews our latest 7’s Monthly Spotlight winner – KSI VENUM 7. Come get to know what DM’s Co-Founder had to say!

For this months 7’s Spotlight, KSI Eyonia 7 from HSI interviews KSI VENUM 7. As is a Co-Founder in Divine Warriors, he’s gone through plenty of obstacles in KSI and continues on to share his wisdom and knowledge to others.

The Interview

  • Who first recruited you into KSI? When was it and can you describe that moment?
    • “KSI xShock 7, May 2014. So it was weird because all my friends had joined and I never wanted to join. But hey told me if I  didn’t join I was going to get left behind because they were going to be too busy playing with KSI and so here I am.”
  • Have you ever left or rejoined?
    • “Yes, two times. I made it to General and left due to home stuff in 2015. I was burnt out but came back about 6 months later to help a General out. Then I and got burned out again and dipped out and stayed out for a while and came back in early 2017.”
  • What is your favorite part about being a Co-Founder?
    • “Honestly the interactions with the members. As a General you see what is going on with the squad, but as a Co Founder you get more of the looking through the window view. Also, I love the mentoring part as well.”
  • Describe how you felt when you received your latest promotion to Co-Founder?
    • “I didn’t really think it was going to happen but was kinda getting hints here and there and the day before it happened I got sent a 10 dollar code from KSI xShock 7.It was intended for my name change but didn’t know that yet. I thought it was for splitting the squad but at the next meeting they announced that people were getting promoted over my squad leaving me out so I honestly thought I was demoted but they left mine for last. Everything just seemed to finally come full circle after leaving and coming back.”
  • What is the biggest challenge you face as a Co-Founder?
    • “Truthfully, I wish the job was more exciting to me. The job is not as exciting as a General. It’s not being as hands on as I like to be, but when I am acting General as Co-Founder I can. But the hardest job is not being as hands on as I want to be.”
  • What are some obstacles you’ve had to overcome in your KSI career?
    • “I think probably the biggest one is in 2015 my mom got sick with bacterial meningitis. For a while she could not walk so the hardest thing was finding time to take care of her and manage my squad. In the end, I chose my mom over everything.”
  • Who is one (or multiple) KSI members (past or present) that you would consider mentors or that you’ve learned a great deal from?
    • KSI Havoc 7, KSI xKing 77, KSI xKamikaze
  • Why did you become involved in Department Ops?
    • “P.O: I saw that as something that I did not think I would be really good at. Over time I found out, hey I can do this. I want to help members out in other divisions, not just Divine Warriors.
    • AAP: This is one of the departments I always wanted to be in. Every time I saw the apps up I would apply and I eventually got it.
    • Join Area Staff: I always thought how cool it was that KSI xKing 77 did it, and always asked questions of when the apps would go up. I have learned a lot about security checks from there. Now when I to recruit, or one of my guys do, I implement the same checks to them so they are more thorough. “
  • What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment to date?
    • “Breaking the Samurai curse.”
  • What are your future goals in KSI?
    • “I want to be a Division Leader and a Senior Join Area Moderator, but I am not sure if it’s an actual thing.”
  • Where do you see yourself in this community in a year?
    • “As a Division Leader.”
  • What kind of person would you say you are?
    • “I feel I am a Leader.”
  • If you could change anything that you’ve done in your KSI career, what would it be?
    • “I wouldn’t have made some of the mistakes I made when I first started. I wouldn’t have popped my mouth off to the wrong people or called a certain founder a word that got me rank suspended.”
  • If you could change one thing in KSI today, what would it be?
    • “Some people’s perceptions on certain things. I feel like when people get to a certain rank they forget where they came from. At the end of the day we all started in the same place. We all started out as a Sergeant or a Private, depending on if you changed your name, and I think that some people lose sight of that.”
  • Who in KSI would you want to switch places with for a day and why?
    • “Probably KSI Impyyy 7. I would want to see what it would feel like to be the head of KSI.”
  • Do you have any nicknames in the community?
    • Uncle Vinny, Vinny the mini, P.O. Daddy, Papi number two, Vinechi, Veesh, The Probation Officer and Cardi V.
  • Have you ever used something you’ve learned here in your everyday real life? What was it, and why did you use it?
    • “Definitely taking a step back when I get mad. I use to have a really bad temper in real life. I would say things to make myself look like an ass but thought maybe stepping back and thinking back how to handle the situation before making an ass out of myself.”
  • How do you keep yourself motivated to keep going in the community?
    • “So, my overall goal really is to change members perception. And with the help and talking to people here in Divine Warriors, Eternal Souls, and Wicked Destruction. I feel like if I could change someone’s view on how they look at things at the end of the day it’s all worthwhile. And that does help me keep going because every day is a new day with new obstacles in people’s lives. You know when you help them out you get the satisfaction that you assisted them, and somehow affected them in a positive way. That is what keeps me going.”

KSI Resume

  • Past divisions
    • Eternal Souls
  • Highest Clan Ops rank
    • Co-Founder
  • Department Ops rank(s)
    • Senior Performance Officer
    • AAP member
    • Rejoin/Join Staff
  • Accomplishments in KSI
    • Divisional of the Month – General
    • Co-Founder of the year – Runner up for 2018
  • Forums Awards
    • Monthly 7 Spotlight
    • Top Recruiter of the Month
    • Winter is Coming
    • Award Hobbyist
    • Approachable
    • Ice Breaker
    • Forums Addict
    • 2018 OTY Runner Up
    • Friendly
    • Good Karma
    • Turkey Bowl 2018
    • Support Group
    • Three Cheers
    • KSI Mentor
    • Riimpy 2k18
    • Cult of Worst
    • Luci’s Side
    • The Double Agent
    • Round of Applause
    • On Point
    • Ripple Effect
    • Legen-
    • Execute Order 77
    • Capped Out
    • Fall Classic 2018
    • Silver Outstanding Service
    • Outstanding Service
    • Master Recruiter
    • Rebounder
    • Trainer
    • Pro Recruiter
    • Novice Recruiter
    • Weekend Warfare Winner
    • Spirit Week 2018
    • Clip Commander
    • General OTM: Divisional
    • Squad Leadership Certified
    • Division Leadership Certified
    • Committed
    • Train the Trainer Certified
    • Basic Training Certified
    • New Member Certified
    • Member Assistance
    • Spring Break 2018
    • General OTM: Divisional
    • Helping Hand
    • Officer
    • Gamerscore Hoarder
    • Meeps Minions
  • Years in the community
    • “This year will be 4 1/2.”
  • If you could be any gamer character from your favorite video game, who would you be and why?
    • “Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2. No I am not an outlaw in life either! Over time he has done some bad things and you know he did bad things. As the story progresses he sees the errors of his ways and turns towards bettering himself.  I do not want to get Tuberculosis because that is what he died from in the game.”

Interesting Points

  • What are your hobbies outside of KSI?
    • Fishing, drawing, cooking and I like to listen to music.
  • Do you have any pets and if so tell us about them?
    • “So I have a parrot who’s name is Frankie. He is a nut and things he is a Casanova. There is also and a pack of neighborhood dogs that I feed so I might as well claim them as mine.”
  • Favorite Xbox game(s)
    • Destiny 2
    • Red Dead Redemption Series
    • GTA 5
  • Favorite movie
    • The Crow
    • Blood In Blood Out.
  • Favorite book
    • “So I haven’t read a book since school days, which is pretty bad to say but it’s a toss up between the Harry Potter series and the Hardy boys series.”
  • Favorite celebrity
    • Megan Fox
  • Favorite band
    • “Toss up between Asking Alexandria or HIM.”
  • Favorite food
    • Crawfish
  • Favorite superhero
    • Batman
  • If you were a pizza, what toppings would you have?
    • “Oh man….Pepperoni with extra cheese because I am a little spicy but also a bit extra.”
  • If you had one piece of advice to give to members, what would it be?
    • “Things you want to obtain are all achievable, but only you can achieve the things you want to achieve.”

From all of the HSI Staff, we would like congratulate KSI VENUM 7 on his Spotlight win as well as his recent promotion to Founder of Divine Warriors! Please continue to do what you do and make all of KSI proud!

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