Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

Education & Information

Education & Information

The Education and Information teams consist of knowledgeable leaders throughout the community with the goal of increasing the basic and advanced knowledge of all members. This goal is obtained by increasing the quality found in workshops, education programs, and other materials. This has been created for the purpose of defining and explaining who we are and what we accomplish. 

Our mission statement is as follows: Our mission, as a team, is to improve the quality of education and mentoring throughout the community by focusing on the quality of our curriculums.

Roles of Education and Information:

While Education and Information work hand in hand, our responsibilities to the community are different. The responsibilities of a Mentor and Assistant are to develop a strong leadership base within the community. We accomplish this goal by providing our experience and knowledge when hosting educational programs such as the CEP and LEAD curriculums. The responsibilities of an Information Specialist are to create, maintain and archive all materials that help develop our members into leaders.

For any additional questions please contact KSI DC 77.

   Chief Knowledge Officer

KSI Rizz 7

Head of Education


    Head Information Officer



KSI Tea 7
KSI Slick 7
KSI Uppish 7
KSI Jewels 7
KSI Shatner 7
KSI Swag 77


KSI Sasuke08
KSI Hatter 77
KSI Boootz 7
KSI Azrael 7

    Information Specialist

KSI Bacchus
KSI Hatter77
KSI Sasuke08

Important Links For Education

Guide to Education –

Education Workshops –

CEP Workshops –

Education Guides –